Supervisor (Electrical) – Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited
Supervisor (Electrical) – Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd, abbreviated as GRSE, is one of India’s leading shipyards, located in Kolkata. It builds and repairs commercial and naval vessels. GRSE also builds export ships. GRSE Ltd. is one of the premier Defence Shipbuilders enjoying the Mini Ratna, Category – I status and contributing efficiently to the defence preparedness of the country by building state-of-the-art warships. The Company invites applications from qualified, talented and energetic Indian Nationals for the following posts:

Name of Post | Vacancy | Pay Scale (IDA) (Rs.) |
Design Assistant (S-2 Grade) – Electrical | 03 | 25700-3%-90000 |
Supervisor (S-4 Grade) – Electrical | 04 | 29300-3%-102600 |
i) Age relaxation for SC / ST / OBC / PwBD / Ex-servicemen as per Govt. rules.
ii) Age will not be a bar for internal candidates subject to maximum age of 56 years.
iii) Ex-servicemen who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed maximum age by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
iv) The relaxation in age limit for PwBD / Ex-servicemen candidates shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved or not.
v) Maximum age limit after all relaxations for all categories (SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-Servicemen) and internal candidates is 56 years.
For Design Assistant (S-2) and Supervisor (FT)(S-4) grades – Candidates possessing higher qualifications in addition to the essential qualification i.e. Diploma in Engineering (as indicated in the Advertisement/Notification) may apply. However, they must possess the required essential qualification. Candidature of such applicants who possess higher qualification like BE/B.Tech. without possessing the required essential qualification i.e. Diploma in Engineering (as indicated in the Advertisement/Notification) will be rejected.
For Supervisor (FT)(S-1) grade – Candidates possessing higher qualifications than the required essential qualification indicated in the Advertisement/Notification need not apply. Candidature of such applicants who possess higher qualifications like BE/B.Tech. than the required essential qualification at the time of application will be rejected.
i) Grouping of Disciplines in Diploma

Electrical | Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical & Instrumentation, Power Engg |
ii) Only the above mentioned disciplines will be considered for the recruitment process. Courses / Disciplines with equivalence to the above will not be considered.
iii) Certificates issued by following authorities will only be considered:
a) Matriculation / 10th / Madhyamik qualification to be awarded by Government recognized Board / Council.
b) Diploma in Engineering disciplines and other relevant disciplines to be awarded by Government recognized Technical Board / Council/UGC/AICTE/State Govt./GOI or similar bodies.
iv) The date of declaration of result / issuance of mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account
v) For Supervisor (FT)(S-1) post, final year students of Diploma in Security Management course may also apply. However, such candidates have to produce the final marksheet at the time of document verification, if shortlisted.
vi) For Defence Service Personnel, the following will be considered:
– Diploma acquired before joining Defence force should be from Government recognized Board of technical education/council
– Joined Defence forces without technical/professional qualification but underwent prescribed training and awarded Diploma issued from Training Institute/School of Armed Forces will be considered as equivalent qualification
– Certificate issued stating that possessing qualification equivalent to Degree or Diploma on completion of specified years of service will not be considered at par with Graduate or Diploma awarded by University/Institution recognized by Government of India/State Government.
vii) Minimum post qualification experience means relevant experience acquired after obtaining the essential qualifications mentioned against the posts.
TENURE OF CONTRACTUAL ENGAGEMENT (For S-1 grade & S-4 grade posts)
The tenure of the engagement will be for a period of 03 years. However, depending upon the requirement, it can be extended further for another 02 years. In the later part after recruitment if it is seen that requirement will be for a longer period, they may be absorbed in the permanent roll in the equivalent grade subject to Organizational requirement and availability of vacancies. Absorption will not be matter of right
Depending on Company’s requirement candidates may be posted in any of the units/offices etc. of the Company.
i) Screening based on years of relevant experience, % of marks in qualifying examination etc. at the discretion of GRSE management may be carried out for shortlisting candidates for written test.
ii) The method of selection will be based on Written Test and Practical (Trade) Test.
(A) Written test
i) Written test will be held in Kolkata. Based on the number of responses the test center may be changed as per the discretion of the Management
ii) No TA will be paid to candidates for appearing in the Written Test.
iii) Pattern of Written Test –

Subject | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Remarks |
Part-B (Objective Type) Engineering disciplines | (80 Questions) on each discipline | 80 | • Duration of Written Test – 02 Hours. • Question paper language – Bi-lingual (English & Hindi). • Question paper type – Objective type with Multiple Choice Questions. • Qualifying marks: Overall 50% marks in written test (out of 100) for UR/EWS category and 45% marks for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD categories |
iv) Subjects of Written test: Selection will be based on merit in the Written Test. Written test will be conducted for following subjects:
Electrical Engg. | Design Asst (S-2)-Electrical, Supervisor (FT)(S-4)-Electrical |
v) For the posts Design Assistant (S-2)-H&HO/FDG, Supervisor (FT)(S-4)-H&HO, Supervisor (FT)(S-4)-Electrical, more than one disciplines are mentioned in the essential qualification and hence separate question papers will be set for each discipline. For such cases, where question paper is set discipline-wise, the merit list for the post will be drawn based on percentile score of the candidates appeared for different disciplines together. Calculation of Percentile score will be (Marks obtained by a candidate ÷ Max. marks scored by any candidate in that discipline) x 100. Similarly, merit list for the post reserved for PwBD, Ex-Servicemen will be drawn based on the percentile score of the candidates appeared for different disciplines together.
(B) Practical test
i) Based on the performance in the Written Test, shortlisted candidates will be called for Practical (Trade) Test. Practical (Trade) test will be of qualifying nature.
ii) Practical test will be conducted on the following areas:
• Design Assistant (S-2) :
Electrical – 3D modelling/ preparation of drawing in AVEVA Marine
iii) Qualifying marks in the selection test including Practical (Trade) test (Trade test is of qualifying nature only) is 50% for UR/EWS and for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD is 45% as per reservation of post.
i) Reservation as applicable has been indicated against each post. However, candidates from reserved categories fulfilling eligibility criteria may also apply for the posts earmarked for UR as per Government Rules.
ii) Persons with Disability category are required to produce Medical Certificate in prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority as stipulated in Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 having minimum 40% or more disabilities in the category as the case may be. PwBD Candidates need to indicate at the time of Application the requirement of Scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant in terms with OM – F. No. 34-02/2015-DD-III dated 29 August 2018 and F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-III dated 10 August 2022 of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India. The provisions of the said Office Memorandums will be followed.
iii) SC, ST, EWS, OBC (NCL) candidates are required to produce a caste / category certificate only in the prescribed format issued by Competent Authority
iv) Category (UR /SC/ ST / OBC / PwBD/ EWS) once entered in the Online application form will not be allowed to be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
v) SC / ST / OBC/ EWS candidates applying for a post where there are no vacancies in their respective reserved categories, will be treated as General candidates and no relaxation in any criteria will be applicable to these candidates. However, they may indicate their actual category in Online Application so as to avail of application fees concession as applicable.
vi) OBC candidates at the time of document verification, if shortlisted, have to submit declaration to the effect that the incumbent does not fall in Creamy Layer section and also to produce non-creamy layer certificate in the prescribed format as applicable for appointment for the posts under Govt. of India and Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking. OBC (non-creamy layer) certificate by the Competent Authority should be issued in the current year i.e. 2022
vii) Reservation for Ex-servicemen category: Age relaxation as per rules is provided to ex-servicemen who are applying for any of the advertised post whether reserved of them or not. For any serviceman of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as Ex-Serviceman for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation/age-relaxation, he must have already acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his application for the post, the status of Ex-Servicemen or is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he would complete specified term of engagement from the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date for receipt of applications. Such candidates must also acquire the status of an Ex-Serviceman within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date of receipt of application

i) Candidates may apply for more than one post/ discipline as per their eligibility. However, written test for all the advertised post will be conducted simultaneously in a single session. A candidate who has applied for more than one post will have to appear in only one test paper of the concerned subject (refer para 5(A)(iv) above). Post-wise merit list will be prepared based on performance in the written test.
ii) Online Application Process: All candidates have to submit application ONLINE through ‘Career section’ of GRSE website www.grse.in or on https://jobapply.in/grse2022
iii) All candidates are required to apply ONLINE where scanned copies of Educational qualification, Caste, Date of Birth etc. need to be uploaded. Candidates are required to take print out of auto generated filled in Application Format, put their signature at designated places and send it along with relevant testimonials (self-attested) in support of Caste, PwBD (if any), Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Work Experience, if any (e.g. Offer of Appointment, Relieving Letter, Experience Certificate) etc. to Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 through ORDINARY POST only within the due date of 28 Nov 2022. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed with “GRSE EN No. HR/SUP: 02/2022” and “Post (Discipline) applied for “
iv) Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID which is to be entered in the on-line application form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active at least for one year as any important information to them may be provided by GRSE through e-mail and also published in the web site.
v) Candidates serving in Government / Quasi Government offices, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Organizations are instructed to submit their application through proper channel. In case, he sends an advance copy of the application, he will have to submit a “No Objection Certificate” from his employer at the time of verification of documents, failing which the candidature will not be considered.
vi) Please note that candidature of the candidate is liable to be cancelled if he / she submits more than one application for the same post.
vii) GRSE will not be responsible for any postal delay
viii) Incomplete application is liable to be rejected
ix) The detailed procedure of application and other details are available on ‘How to apply’ in the website. For details log on to www.grse.in
x) All correspondence with candidates shall be done through e-mail only. All information regarding Schedule / Written Test Admit Cards / Document Verification etc. shall be provided through e-mail / uploading on GRSE website. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of written test admit card / call letter / any other information shall be of the candidate only. GRSE will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent, due to invalid / wrong e-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to Spam/Bulk mail folder or for delay / non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his / her mail / website in time or DND activated mobile no. etc.
i. Application fee is Rs. 400/- which can be remitted through online mode (Payment Gateway). Applicants belonging to SC /ST/ PwBD / Internal Candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
ii. The application fee is non-refundable and hence candidates are advised to ensure their eligibility for the post before applying
iii. Please refer “Guidelines to Apply Online” in the portal https://jobapply.in/grse2022 for details regarding remittance of Application Fee through Payment Gateway
iv. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
i) In addition to Basic Pay, Industrial DA, HRA, other perks @ 35% of Basic Pay, CPF, Performance Related Pay (PRP) etc. are admissible as per the Company’s Rules. The present CTC per annum is given below:
Grade | CTC |
Supervisor (S-4) grade – Fixed Term | Rs. 8.11 Lakhs approx |
Design Assistant (S-2) grade – Permanent | Rs. 7.52 Lakhs approx. |
Supervisor (S-1) grade – Fixed Term | Rs. 6.58 Lakhs approx |
ii) Written Test will tentatively be held in December 2022.
iii) While applying for the post, the applicants must ensure that the particulars furnished by him / her are correct in all respect. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment or even after appointment that he or she has furnished incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact, his / her candidature will stand cancelled and appointment liable to be terminated forthwith.
iv) GRSE reserves the right to fill up all the posts or alter the no. of posts to be filled up or cancel any post or even to cancel the whole process of recruitment at any stage without assigning any reason.
v) Any corrigendum/changes/updates shall be available only in the GRSE website and no other intimation shall be given in any newspaper/any other media
vi) Candidates short listed based on the performance in Written Test will be called for document verification and Practical (Trade) test (as the case may be). The document verification will be done before the Practical (Trade) Test. Candidates are required to produce all original certificates pertaining to Age, Caste / Class, PWBD certificate, Educational Qualification, Experience Certificate if any (detailed certificate from the employer clearly mentioning the joining date, designation, assigned jobs / tasks being undertaken, relieving date etc.) for document verification in support of eligibility etc. along with one set of self-attested photo copies certificates/testimonials. In the absence of original certificate / testimonials, the candidate will not be entertained and no reimbursement of Travelling Allowance will be made and the candidate will not be allowed for Trade Test.
vii) Candidate will be allowed for appearing in the Written Test presuming that he / she is fulfilling the eligibility criteria and other requirements as advertised in the Employment Notification under reference. In case, at any time, it is found that the candidate is not meeting the eligibility criteria, the candidature will summarily be rejected forthwith. In that event, no reimbursement of travelling expenses incurred for attending the document verification/Trade Test and expenses for Medical Tests will be made. Hence, candidate must ensure that he/she is absolutely meeting the eligibility criteria and other conditions advertised without any deviation.
viii) The mere fact that a candidate has submitted application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the eligibility criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him / her the right to be definitely considered for selection process.
ix) If selected, candidates can be posted to any Unit / Project / Location of the Company.
x) Provisionally Shortlisted candidates will be required to undergo Pre-employment Medical Examination and Medical/Investigation reports in original are to be brought along in the prescribed proforma duly filled in.
xi) Final selection of candidate is subject to medical fitness by Company’s Medical Officer as per company’s Recruitment Rules
xii) Outstation candidates called for Trade test / Document verification will be paid travelling allowance both ways single II class (sleeper) Railway fare at actual (by shortest route from place of residence / place of work to Kolkata) whichever is less on production of tickets / receipts for incoming journey
xiii) The decision of GRSE in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of Written Test, Trade Test and Selection will be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained.
xiv) Management reserves the right to call for any additional documentary evidence in support of education and experience of the applicants
xv) Furnishing of false information or concealment / suppression of factual information will render the candidate unfit for employment and GRSE will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong / false information.
xvi) In case any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail.
xvii) For any dispute, the Jurisdiction shall be Kolkata.
Start Date for Online Registration | 31 Oct 2022 (14:00 hrs.) |
Closing Date for Online Registration | 21 Nov 2022 (23:59 hrs.) |
How to Apply ?
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